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Think back to a time when you learned a new skill quickly. Now, consider what was going on in your life at that time. Were you in good physical, mental, and emotional health? Was life just going your way? Your mood, attitude, and motivation can affect how easily you can pick up a new skill- for example., learning a new language : Definition: Psychological Barriers The psychological barrier of communication is the influence of psychological state of the communicators (sender and receiver) which creates an obstacle for effective communication. Causes of Psychological Barriers Lack of Attention: When a person’s mind is distracted or preoccupied with other things, the person is not able to form proper messages, listen to what others tell him/her, interpret the message as required and give proper feedback . The communication will face problems and becomes ineffective. Examples: 1)       A person in tragedy, for instance, does not want to listen to other people giv


ACTIVE LISTENING SKILLS The active listening skillset involves these 6 active listening skills: Pay attention One goal of active listening is to set a comfortable tone that gives the other person an opportunity to think and speak. Allow “wait time” before responding . Don’t cut the other person off, finish their sentences, or start formulating your answer before they’ve finished. Pay attention to your body language as well as your frame of mind. Be focused on the moment and operate from a place of respect. Withhold judgment Active listening requires an open mind . As a listener and a leader, be open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new possibilities. Even when good listeners have strong views, they suspend judgment, hold any criticisms, and avoid arguing or selling their point right away. Reflect Don’t assume that you understand the person correctly — or that they know you’ve heard them. Mirror the person’s information and emotions by periodically pa


What is VUCA and its relevance in business?   VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity , a combination of qualities that, taken together, characterize the nature of some difficult conditions and situations. The term is also sometimes said to stand for the adjectives: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The term VUCA originated with the United States Army War College to describe conditions resulting from the Cold War. The VUCA concept has since been adopted throughout businesses and organizations in many industries and sectors to guide leadership and strategy planning . An awareness of the forces represented in the VUCA model and strategies to mitigate the harm they might cause are integral to crisis management and disaster recovery planning . Volatility Volatility refers to the propensity for changing from one state to another . Under certain conditions, volatile materials can dangerously explode, changing


The  bullwhip effect   is one of the most well-known supply chain concepts. Proctor & Gamble (P&G) coined the term when studying the demand fluctuations for Pampers, their disposable diapers. Despite the fact that babies use diapers at a very predictable rate and therefore retail demand is flat, P&G observed that this product created a wave of changes up the supply chain due to very minor changes in demand. Behavioural Causes The first theories focusing onto the bullwhip effect were mainly focusing on the irrational behavior of the human in the supply chain, highlighting them as the main cause of the bullwhip effect. Since the 90’s, the studies evolved, placing the supply chain’s mis-functioning at the heart of their studies abandoning the human factors. Previous control-theoretic models have identified the following causes:- 1)       The trade-off between stationary and dynamic performance , as well as, 2)       The use of independent controllers In accordance w


WORKING OUT LOUD   Working Out Loud is a practice of sharing your work/work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning and collaboration .  It is about being vulnerable and putting ourselves and our lessons out there in communities for others to contribute and consume. It is a great way to leverage wisdom of the community to improve our own work, contribute to a community that shares the same purpose and build relationships based on ideas. There are five elements of working out loud:  More Information At: Content Curated By: Dr Shoury Kuttappa


Virtual collaboration is the method of collaboration between virtual team members that is carried out via technology-mediated communication . The collaborators are physically separated from each other and can only interact virtually. Realizing true collaboration — in which the whole is positively more than the mere sum of the individual parts — is intricate in any environment. Individuals have to set aside their egos, trust one another, and share their expertise willingly.  In a virtual workplace, collaboration can be all the more difficult to attain, especially when team members work for different groups/ teams, are essentially strangers to one another, and have different cultural and professional backgrounds. Virtual collaboration holds amazing promise. When successful, it enables talented peers to work together regardless of location and organizations to mine the collective wisdom of a widely dispersed employee population. It is paramount to organisations that want to succeed i