***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: Cognitive Biases and Debiasing, The Debiasing Process) Link to Chapter 01 Various Debiasing Techniques There are a few general debiasing strategies (sometimes referred to as cognitive-forcing strategies ), which can help deal with many of the cognitive biases. Many of these strategies are interrelated since the underlying principles behind them are similar. A) Develop awareness of cognitive biases: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>> In some cases, simply being aware of a certain bias can help us reduce its impact. For example, consider the illusion of transparency , a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate how well others can discern their emotional state, so that they tend to think that other people can tell if they are feeling nervous or anxious even in situations where that is not the case. This happens because our own emotional experience can be so strong, we are sure our emo...
A Compendium of Concepts