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Teamwork, in times of cloud computing and collaborative software, it’s one of those qualities that everyone wants to see in their company. But the truth is that for different types of work teams, different forms of integration and collaboration develop and allow them to function better . What type of team we have depends on its purpose, location, and organizational structure. Each type of team comes with its unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Some of them may be as follows: Task Forces A task force is a temporary team created to address a single piece of work, a problem, or a goal.   The term “task force” originated in the Army . An Army task force was designed to provide flexibility in operations since it could be formed without the reorganization or repurposing of the division . At the time, army operations were performed by formal groupings such as divisions or battalions, but wars created new challenges that demanded flexibility in how resources were used . Formation of


  The collaborative nature of teams means they are subject to pitfalls that individuals working alone do not face. Team members may not always work well together and focusing the efforts of individuals on shared goals presents challenges to completing tasks as efficiently and effectively as possible.   Three Barriers to Building a Team A)      Flimsy Leadership   Everything flows from leadership. And when there is a problem in the team, usually, it’s the leader’s fault. The wise king Solomon said, without a vision, the people perish. There could be several reasons that a team is not working, and most often, it starts with the leader.         i.        Is there no vision for the team?        ii.       No one in the team knows where they are heading ?      iii.       Is there favoritism  being practiced by the leader?      iv.        Is the leader too critical of new ideas or suggestions?        v.        Is the leader’s style too imposing on everyone? It could be v