To improve and grow, change is required. To change effectively, involves thought and emotion . Whether we are learning to ride a bike, renovating the house, getting in better physical shape, making meetings better, improving governance, implementing a challenging strategic plan, resolving unhealthy conflict, or changing something in our personal life, it will be an emotional ride. 64% of people quit their new year’s goals in January. That’s less than 8% into the year. So how do we keep the excitement of new goals without falling off? Understanding the process of change is fuel for transformation. Reaction is pain. Anticipation is power. Emotional (Cognitive) Changes Emotional (Cognitive) changes occurs when we select which of several potential emotional meanings will be attached to a situation . Then, later this meaning gives rise to subjective feelings, and behavioral and physiological changes. Emotional (Cognitive) change occurs when we alter our cognitive app...
A Compendium of Concepts