***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: Meaning and Origins, Components of Transformational Leadership, Characteristics) Link to Chapter -01 Traits Common In Successful Transformational Leaders Moving towards becoming a Transformational Leader Creating an Inspiring Vision:- . . . People need a compelling reason to follow, and this is why we need to create and communicate an inspiring vision of the future. Our vision sets out the team or organization's purpose – why we all get up in the morning to do what we do . We develop this partly by understanding the values of the people we lead, partly by understanding the capabilities and resources of the organization, and partly by conducting an intelligent analysis of the environment, and selecting the best way forward within it. Motivating People to Buy Into and Deliver the Vision:- . . . Now, starting with the mission statement, we need to appeal to our people's v...
A Compendium of Concepts