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Showing posts with the label thoughts


Scuba Diving is one of those activities that changes us in many ways. Not just through the training, but also by what we see and experience underwater, has this lasting effect on how we experience the world above. A lot of sports and hobbies can reinforce our character and teach us valuable life lessons. Here are some ways in which we think,  Scuba Diving  has changed our lives. It might be a stretch, but some of those lessons apply to management and business as well. 01) -> Equalize Your Airspaces During descent, the pressure changes, increasing with the weight of the water, pushing on places in our body with airspaces that are unaccustomed to it. The first things to complain are the ears. We can fix this discomfort, equalizing the pressure to match the change around by pinching our nose and lightly blowing . This adds air into the cavities and canals running through our head and the discomfort dissipates. Every dive is different . Sometimes the ears complain and some...


Self-differentiation is a word we probably do not hear in everyday usage. But it is a crucial process to living (and eating) well. It is happening when we hear people speaking their minds with thoughtful conviction even though others might disapprove . It is lacking when someone spends their life rebelling against the views and values of parents/ colleagues and clinging to their opposite. It is missing when someone stifles feelings and thoughts in fear of hurting others or being rejected or shamed by them.     Differentiation of self was defined by Murray Bowen (Psychiatrist, Professor- Georgetown University) in 1978 as the degree to which one is able to balance: (a) emotional and intellectual functioning, and  (b) intimacy and autonomy in relationships . His theory has two major parts. 1) Differentiation of self is the ability to separate feelings and thoughts . Undifferentiated people cannot separate feelings and thoughts; when asked to think, they are flooded wi...


  Being present with oneself, in the moment, being mindful, mentalizing, reflective function— all of these constructs point toward a crucial recognition of one’s own experience that takes place repeatedly on short time scales , as much as it is an overarching way of seeing that spans a lifetime. Practicing curiosity fosters open-mindedness. There is a firm but gentle way to be intently aware, where one almost sees oneself as a beloved stranger. Being a stranger to oneself can represent alienation and nihilism, but it can also be the beginning of a love affair as we meet ourselves anew. Closeness to oneself, however, can pose a variety of real and imagined threats. It is important to respect our own boundaries, self-consent to all major decisions, and equip ourselves well. Self-Absorption vs. Self-Reflection In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, two seemingly similar yet fundamentally different concepts often arise: self-absorption and self-reflection. W...


The feedback we receive can sometimes feel like nonsense. For Example, an employee in an organisation once stated:   “ This company doesn’t care about parents. ” The employee then proceeded to gripe about the lack of maternity and paternity benefits. Admittedly, the CEO agreed that the company’s maternity and paternity leave policies could be improved… But she was livid about the broad accusation that “ this company doesn’t care about parents. ” What an unfair generalization . The CEO was conflicted about how to react to the feedback: 1)       She didn’t want to come off as being defensive to her employee. 2)       But she also didn’t want sweeping, inflammatory remarks to be seen as well-received by the employee. How was she supposed to take this feedback? It felt like nonsense. Nonsense feedback usually comes in one of three forms… Given that how we receive feedback as a leader sets the tone of openness and honesty in t...