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Daily stand-up meetings might be the quickest way to waste your time as a leader. As a manager, you’ve likely witnessed this first hand. Your daily stand-up meetings have become bloated and unengaging, the more time passes and the bigger your team grows. Should you be doing something different? And if so, what? The time to kill the daily stand-up meeting has come. Here’s exactly why and what we should do instead… Why Daily Stand-Up Meetings Do Not Always Work 01.   Many oars, too many directions: The original  intention  behind a daily stand-up meeting is extremely sound. Popularized by the  Agile methodology  of project management, daily stand-up meetings are meant to share progress and identify any blockers the team is facing . For the few teams who strictly adhere to only sharing status updates and blockers, a daily stand-up can serve them well. However, for most of us in practice, it’s a different story. We get overly excited and cram other intention...