Now more than ever before, leaders all over the world are facing change and complexity — the coronavirus pandemic has presented us all with new challenges, new circumstances, and new uncertainties. Adaptability is a requirement. Because change is constant and inevitable, leaders must be flexible to succeed. Adaptability is about having ready access to a range of behaviours that enable leaders to shift and experiment as things change. Successful executives: 1) Adapt to the changing external pressures facing the organization. 2) Adjust their management style to changing situations. 3) Accept changes as positive . 4) Revise plans as necessary. 5) Consider other people’s concerns during change. Conversely, it may also be argued that inflexible leaders limit the adaptability of others. New initiatives may be halted or stifled. Resistance to change may undermine critical projects or system-wide implementation. Employee enthusiasm, coope
A Compendium of Concepts