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Showing posts with the label managers


  ***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: What does it Entail, What is the difference, the start point, Managing Managers – A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/) Link to Chapter 01 G)      Use An Apprenticeship Model The best training for someone learning to become a manager is individualized attention from their boss. This should not just occur in meetings though. We should do real work together , looking for opportunities to explain what we are doing and how we are doing it. This will allow us to not only teach them but also to observe them in action . We are not going to sit in on all of their one-on-ones (micromanaging..!!) but we should make time to do things like participate in their team meetings, watch them give feedback, or conduct job interviews.  Whenever we are observing them, give immediate feedback as long as it is not in front of others in a way that undermines them.  Find ways to see our managers in the act of managing (and then sh...


  What is the biggest difference between managing managers versus managing individual contributors ? Clearly, it is a question top of mind for many of us, all over the world, who find ourselves promoted or hired into a role where we are not just a manager — but a manager of managers. Is this brand of leadership any different? What should a new manager of managers consider in their role? Do we need to provide Training/ Coaching? And how do we serve as a good role model? What Does It Entail When we are managing managers, our responsibilities are two-fold: we need to make sure they are producing good work (as with any employee) and that they are effectively supporting their teams . We might know how to do the former, but how do we do the latter? In some ways, managing managers is similar to managing anyone else — we need to align their goals with ours, provide feedback, and help them advance their careers , says Sydney Finkelstein, professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of...


Leadership is the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others towards achieving a common goal. Effective leadership requires strong problem-solving skills, as leaders need to be able to identify and solve complex problems to drive their teams towards success. Problem-solving provides us those mechanisms of recognizing things, comprehending why they need to be fixed, and determining a course for the action to improve them. They help organisations and individuals to control the environment.  What Are Problem Solving Skills? Problem-solving skills enable you to determine the problems promptly and efficiently. Problem-solving abilities require quickly determining the underlying problem and implementing a solution. Problem-solving is regarded as having a personal strength rather than a skill that is acquired or learned through coaching or training. You can enhance your problem-solving skills by getting to know the common problems in business and learning from more experienced...