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  “Company vision” might be the fluffiest business term thrown around by nearly every business book and article, often used vaguely, without nuance or thoughtfulness. Yet despite its watered-down usage, “vision” is the most important information for us to communicate across a team . Research indicates that vision was ranked as the number one information people need to share in a team. Given its significance, how to best share a company vision within a team? Before we can answer that, we must start with what company vision exactly is and why it is important. What is company vision? A vision is a picture of a better place . You see this picture in your head: It is what you want the world to look like because your product or team exists. In many ways, your team’s vision is your opinion on how you think the world ought to be. A vision answers the question, “What world do you want to create?” Vision is often misconstrued with other business terms, like “mission,” “purpose,” and “valu


Organized people are not born; they are built. The people who emerge as ‘organized’ use a variety of tools and methods to accomplish their goals and priorities in life. Their systems become habits. They Seek Out Tools From kitchen timers to smartphone technology, organized people find tools that can help them make the most of their day , week, and year. They use mobile phone apps with pop-up reminders, for example. They also use timers to help visualize the passage of time. And they break down tasks into smaller chunks and take short non-work-related breaks in between, which increases their overall productivity. They Set Priorities Following a to-do list is like their primary source of organization. Instead of having an overwhelming number of commitments and little idea where to start, organized people have a clear sense of what is important . They know what their goals are, what needs to be done when, and what can be put off. They start the day with a clear plan of their ‘mo


  Management lessons are everywhere. We can read them in books, listen to them on podcasts, and hear them live during conference talks. Here are some of the lessons from conversations with leaders: Lesson 01: What are common hazards and errors to avoid when doing manager handoffs and transitions? People come and go in the workplace for various reasons. Maybe we have been promoted and are transitioning into a different role. Perhaps we are taking leave for one reason or another. Regardless of the reason, we will want to make sure we are structuring transitions to be as smooth as possible for ourselves, the new person, and the team that they’ll be taking over. Going too fast is the biggest pitfall. Additionally, here are some suggestions: 1)       Writing out all the things  that we currently do in our role, monitor it for a few weeks to make sure we do not miss anything and create good documentation for the role. 2)       Give a quick win  with a process improvement or an initiati