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***Continued  from Part 01 Link to Part 01 ↘ Innovation: Brains Over Brawn Like any boxing match, the business landscape can be extremely unpredictable, requiring quick and effective reflexes that do not jeopardize the overall game plan. One minute, you are landing clients left and right; the next, you are up against a narrowing profit margin. The best executives are those who can swiftly adapt to harsh or changing conditions and pivot to creative solutions that are perfectly in line with management practices, brand messaging and core customer expectations. Like the most-revered boxers in history, ultimate respect, loyalty, and praise go to those leaders that can dodge and innovate under pressure , without abandoning familiarity or authenticity of style. ↘ Technique trumps brute strength. Boxing is all about technique. After all, they don’t call it the sweet science for nothing. The same is true in leadership. If we only rely on position and power to get things done, our ab


What makes the Tiger such a great and fearsome creature? It is regarded as one of the most remarkable animals in the world, its appearance and majestic exoticness has made people curious about it. But what really makes the tiger tick? What are the things that makes the tiger such a great and fearsome creature? The tiger male waits for the female and cubs to eat first In the “dog eat dog” world of the animal kingdom, it is not often that you find this kind of behaviour for an animal who can beat a Lion, so called king of the beasts in a one on one fight yet who still recognizes the fact that  the weakest members of the family, the females and the cubs need to be taken care of first is worthy of note. The tiger is an object lesson in the fact that your worth is not how powerful you are as an individual but how much you are willing to help in lifting up those weaker than you . The interesting thing about show of responsibility is that it is not taught . Unlike most other cats, tig