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  Tales from the Mythology & Us Sometimes, the mythology that resounds with us the most reveals much about where we are in life. How we interpret the ancient stories reveals more about our internal struggles than the motives of the authors who lived thousands of years ago. Mythology is a fascinating topic that has captivated people for centuries. It is the study of traditional stories, legends, and folklore that have been passed down from generation to generation. While many may believe that mythology is a relic of the past, it is still very relevant today. Firstly, mythology helps us understand our cultural heritage . Every culture has its own unique set of myths and legends that define its identity. These stories provide us with a glimpse into the beliefs, values, and customs of our ancestors. Secondly, mythology can help us understand ourselves . Many of the stories found in mythology are allegories that explore the human experience. They can provide us with insights into


  Authenticity is surely the buzzword of the past year and much has been written recently about bringing our “whole” selves to work. But what does it look like in practice to “be real” in a professional setting?  And is it truly advisable? And if so, for whom? It sure has its positives . It does increase our overall well-being and happiness, creates psychological safety that strengthens relationships, leads to higher job satisfaction, and gives rise to undeniable improvements in productivity.    Firstly, authenticity can sometimes be seen as unprofessional . In many workplaces, there is an expectation of maintaining a certain level of decorum and professionalism. This can include things like dressing appropriately, using proper language, and behaving in a certain way. If someone prioritizes authenticity over professionalism, they may come across as unprofessional, which can be detrimental to their career. Secondly, authenticity can sometimes lead to oversharing . In an effort to be


  A debate about hiring for attitude versus aptitude has developed over the years. Nearly every job posting includes the type of experience an employer is seeking, which makes sense considering that companies want to locate applicants who have already demonstrated a certain level of skill in that particular industry or role.  Both the experience (hard skills) and the attitude (soft skills) are given high priority in the initial job requirements. The debate comes to light during the interview and hiring process. Although the initial requirements highlight soft skills and personality traits as important parts of the job applicant’s qualifications, during interviews, many hiring managers focus on hard skills and experience because they are easier to discuss and judge. As a result, many applicants end up being hired based exclusively on their experience rather than on their attitude. Is it better to hire people on the basis of their experience or their potential? If we believe experie


   Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in front of a towering wall with small, colourful pegs scattered along the structure. Around your waist is a snug harness, and you begin to scale the wall, one step at a time, climbing higher and higher. Every move you make is methodical, forcing you to think with your body as much as your brain. There are mental health benefits of rock climbing that exceed the physical ones, and we don’t necessarily have to be a master of the sport to reap them. Leadership can be learned anywhere. Reflecting back on rock-climbing sessions, we realized how much this experience can be a metaphor for leadership experiences. Rock climbing offers many opportunities for personal and professional development.   1. Collaboration and Differing Perspectives: . . . -> Climbing is solitary, yet highly collaborative in nature. To climb safely, you must have someone to belay and/or spot you, meaning you are always part of a team. Active encouragement and coa