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Showing posts from January, 2022


  We often wonder how successful companies continue to navigate and grow and know exactly what direction to go . The trick seems to be an almost irresponsibly aggressive approach to growing key objectives with a talented group of people.  OKR is an acronym for Objectives and Key Results —  a framework for visioning and setting goals within an organization that was popularized by Google. Today, OKR is used at a seemingly broad variety of companies, from larger established firms like Anheuser-Busch and Deloitte to younger tech companies like Eventbrite and Twitter. Therefore, what are OKRs and how do they work, and — most importantly — do they work. Many leaders ask how they can align their team to the vision and set goals within their team. What is OKR? OKR is a goal-setting methodology originally developed by Andy Grove, former CEO and Chairman of Intel. In his book,  High Output Management , he describes OKRs as being the answer to two questions: We can expand the definitions of each


  ***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: What Is Big Picture Thinking, Importance Of Big Picture Thinking, Detail Oriented Or A Big Picture Thinker- The Difference) Link to Chapter 01 Identifying the Different Approaches - Approach Indicators No matter which field we belong to – an aspiring entrepreneur, someone who’s putting together a dream team, or polishing our leadership skills, big picture thinking can help open up, innovative and unexpected creative paths, ideas and solutions. Detail-Oriented Approach Indicators o    We prefer tweaking an existing plan than creating one from scratch o    We think over issues in such great detail that we sometimes miss the bigger picture o    We end up putting down or highlighting almost all notes o    We work towards high-quality work in most areas of our life and struggle with perfectionist tendencies o    We’re organized and/or like routine   Big Picture Approach Indicators o    We can easily spot patterns


  Most people fall under either of the two main types of thinking paradigms- big picture or detail-oriented . The big picture thinker usually keeps coming up with ideas of what the ideal world would look like. The detail-oriented thinker on the other hand mostly thinks pragmatically and is organized. A Story: Around 1959 or 1960, Dashrath Manjhi, a laborer in India’s Gehlaur village lost his injured wife because the nearest hospital was about 45 minutes away. 22 years later, the same man had carved a 10-meter long path through the rocky ridge – all with a hammer and chisel – that chopped the travel time to 15 minutes. Manjhi is an extreme example of seeing the big picture — instead of getting overwhelmed by the details of how he was going to get it done, he focused on the broader issue at hand: he didn’t want anyone else to suffer his wife’s fate. So, he worked tirelessly for years to prevent that from happening again. What Is Big Picture Thinking? Big picture thinking is the ability t


  Do we like someone more if they stand closer to us? Imagine we are the only person in an elevator when the door opens and someone walks in and stands right next to us.  Uncomfortable is likely an understatement to describe how we would feel.  But are there other circumstances in which a stranger can get that close to us and elicit not alarm bells of warning, but feelings of warmth?  According to research, the answer is yes. In today’s world, we are mindful of social distance expectations , whether cultural, social, or preventive post-pandemic.  We are also aware of personal boundaries , and the reality that different people have different comfort zones, and do not appreciate “space invaders.”  Yet in some situations, it appears that proximity can have a positive effect on first impressions, quality of interaction, and even generosity .  Research demonstrates that closer physical distance increases compliance with a request from a stranger on the street.  Many of us are familiar