***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: Virtual Teams- Meaning & Interpretation, Trust in Remote Teams, Affective & Cognitive Trust) Link to Chapter -01 Building of Affective Trust In Remote Teams 01: Prioritize On Boarding More Than We Usually Do: According to research, affective trust tends to be more important to foster at the beginning of a relationship . Accordingly, on boarding well becomes even more paramount for virtual team building. A few key elements for remotely on boarding the team may include: 02: Avoid Cliché Icebreakers. How often do we find ourselves asking “How was your weekend?” to break the ice before the start a meeting? Their answers to this question feel worn, tired, and un-engaging. To shift the mood for the team and build affective trust, we will want our virtual team building to focus on non-cheesy icebreakers. Cheeky, enlivening icebreaker questions can reveal something new and intriguing about the pe...
A Compendium of Concepts